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Custom Adventures

Guided Group Adventures

Want to take the hassle out of travel? I can help! Guided group trips are a great way for you to have a great adventure without the frustration of planning and making sure everything goes according to plan. I can lead a tailor made trip for you and your group that hits what you want to see and do!

Group guided by Jeremiah Lorrig
Map of adventure plan

Adventure Planning

Want to go on an adventure, but don’t know how to make it happen? We can build you an adventure, book the details, and send you on your way!

Custom City Tours

After about 20 times leading groups on tours of DC, I realized that I can take what I learned there to other cities! Every major city in the US has history, culture, and a unique experience that is waiting for those who want to dive in. My focus being history means that I would love to give you or your group a custom tour of DC, Philadelphia, Boston, or Williamsburg, but any city is on the table!

Washington, D.C.
Statue of George Washington, outside Independence Hall in Philadelphia, PA

Senior Trips

I’ve been teaching highschoolers my entire adult life. I love making trips fun, impactful, and something that can mark the passage from highschool to adult life. I can work with you to build a trip that works for your school or homeschool group that will be an adventure to remember!

Make Time Traveling memories

We’ll Plan and Lead Your Adventure

We would be excited to plan and guide you on an adventure worth remembering. Contact Jeremiah today to find out what’s possible!